Help with MQTT + Moquitto + Z-Way-Server

Hi guys,

i’m evaluating HASS to replace my openHab setup (just used at the moment to interact with Google Assistant).

I don’t want for the moment to switch Z-Wave so i’ve installed MQTT module on Z-way, create a Mosquitto broker and published a Z-Wave switch.

On the HASS i’ve this setup:

platform: mqtt
name: ‘Faretti Cucina’
state_topic: ‘zway/kitchen/leds/status’
command_topic: ‘zway/kitchen/leds/set’
payload_on: “on”
payload_off: “off”
optimistic: false
retain: true

I can power on the LED without problem, but it seems that HASS doesn’t understand the “state_topic” so the switch still remain in OFF state. If I use “optimistic: true”, i can power on/off the switch but without a real status update.

here is the log from HASS:

2018-06-24 17:47:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Subscribing to zway/#
2018-06-24 17:47:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Received message on zway/kitchen/leds: b’on’
2018-06-24 17:47:46 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Received message on zway/kitchen/leds/set: b’on’
2018-06-24 17:47:48 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Subscribing to zway/kitchen/leds/status

why there is “b” in front of the status?

How can i solve this issue?

My setup is currently running on Synology Docker, and version is 0.72.0


on your mosquitto broker can you subscribe to all messages (#) and see what MQTT messages are being sent around?

That is just python terminology to indicate an array of bytes received, to distinguish it from a string which has a different structure internal to python.

As finity says, the best way to find out what is wrong is to find out what messages are being sent.

Hey stich

can you explain how to setup this mqtt broker thing on the z-way server??! I got stuck after installing Zway-MQTT by using the appstore. I’ve no idea how to go on :’(

I’ve gave up and move all stuff on HA with UZB stick. Better integration :slight_smile:

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