Can someone please help me figuring this out; it appears to have broken after update to latest Multiscrape (6.7.2) and HA 2023.8.3
- resource: http://metservice.intnet.mu/forecast-bulletin-english-mauritius.php
scan_interval: 1800
log_response: true
- unique_id: mu_met_service_high_tides
name: MMS High Tide
select: "#content > div.left_content"
value_template: '{{ (value | regex_findall_index("High.*[T|t]ides.*:.*h[0-9][0-9]")).split(":")[1] }}'
- unique_id: mu_met_service_low_tides
name: MMS Low Tide
select: "#content > div.left_content"
value_template: '{{ (value | regex_findall_index("Low.*[T|t]ides.*:.*h[0-9][0-9]")).split(":")[1] }}'
- unique_id: mu_mms_date
name: MMS Bulletin Date
select: "#content > div.left_content"
value_template: >-
{{ strptime(
(value | regex_findall_index("[0-9]{1,2} *[A-Z]{3,9} *[0-9]{4}"))
.replace(" "," ")
, "%d %B %Y")
The first two sensors are scraping correctly but the third mu_mms_date
returns Unavailable
although if I run the same value template with the HA template page, the date is correctly calculated!