Help with Updating Z-Wave Firmware

I’m really reaching the end of my tether…

I’ve just got a Silicon Labs UZB-7 and have spent 2 hours+ downloading Simplicity Studio and every bloomin package that they have to try and obtain PC Controller as needed for the firmware update

For my journey, I started here (as advised by Z-waveJS in HA)

  1. 700 series Controller Firmware Updates (Linux) · kpine/zwave-js-server-docker Wiki · GitHub

  2. Then on the worst written help article ever here: Z-Wave 700/800: OTW of Controller - Silicon Labs (

  3. Then, according to here, once I have Simplicity Studio (oh the irony in that name), I need to go to update my package to have the PC Controller an Zniffer neither of which appear in my list only this

  4. I’ve installed every damn package as I found on a forum that someone needed to install some random SDK for them to appear - still no dice…

  5. and apparently they should appear here… but NOTHING i’ve installed makes them appear (or anything else for that matter)

  6. I even downloaded the packages from their Github (which the pointed someone else moaning about this to on their forums, and that doesn’t seem to have the right software in it either…

SURELY, surely, surely there must be a simpler way to update the damn firmware - I’ve googled and googled and gees… I’m really really fed up…

You have to create an SiLabs account, accept the license agreement, and then login to the account.

Are you unable to perform the update in Linux? Why bother with PC Controller?

You can also try downloading the HomeSeer PC Controller bundle, and just use the uzb-7 version of the firmware instead of the included one.

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What a terrible piece of software - it happily lets you continue as guest on install and nowhere does it tell you that you’re missing stuff if you don’t log in

FWIW - I only have linux running in a VM and I don’t know how safe it is running fw updates via VM.
I haven’t actually done it yet but I do see the additional options now I’ve used bug-me-not to sign in (using any of my email addresses either weren’t valid or errored out… great work SL!)

Thank you - that shouldn’t have been so complicated!!

Okay, so… I got the software, but I still can’t update the darn firmware…

Can’t open XModem session

EDIT: Okay, this is getting really boomin ridiculous…
I’m assuming that this is because I need the Bootloader (per here) and have therefore gone to the ends of the world to download even more silicon labs packages and build the pieces that I need for that…


However, when I try and run the commands that they advise I get the following

I found J-link drivers in the Simplicity package and installed them and still no dice…

I mean really - I must have updated firmwares on hundreds of devices in my time and I have never knows a s*** show like this

Okay, so I’ve tried giving up on the PC way and tried the linux way under my VM

Still hitting issues…

I’ve got to the Step 6 of 7 but get the above which I have no way to handle - it seems I’m actually hitting the same Xmodem issue that I was hitting on the PC

EDIT: Some further attempts to resolve… tried TeraTerm in order to update bootloader (per here), even though I’m pretty certain I don’t have a devkit stick, but sadly I get stuck at the terminal window unable to take any action

With my Aeotec Gen7 I used the following guideline using Windows and Simplicity Studio.

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Thanks. They’re basically the exact steps I’ve been trying to follow, except I get an xmodem error on the flash attempt :frowning:

Omg, I’ve done it.
Decided to strip everything back and start again
Uninstalled the device driver and reinstalled (from the same package!) and the firmware updated…

Now, I can’t get anything to connect to the bloomin thing, but that’s a different issue… Might open another thread but I’ve tried my TKB plug and my neo coolcam motion sensor and both do not get connected :man_facepalming:

@vaderag, Sorry to revive an old thread, but i am having the same issue. can you tell me where you found the driver?

Hey, It’s been a while but from what I recall it was in the Simplicity Studio package. I had to remove anything in any way related to the driver and start again to get it to work

thanks, i didn’t find them in the package, but i did eventually find them on their website. if anyone else is on the same boat, here is the link:

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Glad you got it sorted!.
Still holding out for ota firmware updates soon so this becomes obsolete!!

you need to log in to the program after you installed it.
if you skip the log in part it wont work

Xmodem fail is because the Z Wave stick’s bootloader isn’t enabled anymore so the transfer can’t start.

Did anyone fix this? Since reading here (and shit-loads of other crap on the internet) I’ve determined the Z-wave stick’s bootloader is “sleeping”. What I’ve seen people do is connect the stick to PC, start a terminal session at 115200 baud to whatever COM port the stick grabs from Windows, hit enter. You should be served 3 options by the stick’s serial/usb port. #1 is to turn the bootloader on. If you’re able to choose 1, you should also be able to choose to Xmodem transfer, which would allow you to push the .gbl (firmware) file to the stick. Then you could put the stick back in HASS and it should not only work but will also probably be set to take future firmware updates now that the bootloader is set to 1.

Me??? I can’t actuall talk to my stick because no matter what serial settings I use… I haven’t got a response from the stick. Grrr…