I have a Wemo Insight plug that allows me to track wattage. When I add this to my 0.111.4 HA card I only get the on/off history. How to I get Lovelace to show an actual graph of wattage user over time?
I have a Wemo Insight plug that allows me to track wattage. When I add this to my 0.111.4 HA card I only get the on/off history. How to I get Lovelace to show an actual graph of wattage user over time?
This is how i have done it
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Dehumidifier Power"
icon_template: mdi:air-filter
unit_of_measurement: "w"
value_template: '{% if states.switch.wemo_insight %}{{ states.switch.wemo_insight.attributes.current_power_w }}{% else %}Off{% endif %}'
I would be nice if this was an entity of the device instead but sadly i have no idea how to make that change