Hi everyone. I have a Xiaomi zigbee smart plug model ZNCZ02LM.
The device shows under Zigbee2MQTT the folowing STATE:
“consumption”: 46.42012023925781,
“device_temperature”: 30,
“energy”: 46.42,
“linkquality”: 156,
“power”: 0,
“power_outage_count”: 139,
“power_outage_memory”: false,
“state”: “OFF”,
“temperature”: 28,
“update”: {
“installed_version”: 22,
“latest_version”: 92,
“state”: “available”
“update_available”: true,
“voltage”: 237.60000000000002
It can provide voltage information but if I go to Settings / Devices & Services / Devices and select it, I have no Voltage entity.
Some time ago I managed to create the entity by adding this to my configuration.yaml
- platform: template
friendly_name: “bucatarie.priza.1 voltage”
unit_of_measurement: “V”
device_class: voltage
value_template: “{{ state_attr(‘sensor.bucatarie_priza_banda_led_device_temperature’, ‘voltage’) }}”
All was perfect until summer last year when after an update it stopped working.
I try to use Create Helper and select Template / Template a sensor but I can not make it to work.
Can you please help me create the entity for voltage ?
My Home Assistant information:
- Core 2025.1.4
- Supervisor 2024.12.3
- Operating System 14.2
- Frontend 20250109.2