Here's a new one...strange behavior with notifications

I’ve had the same notifications in use in my HA setup for several weeks now (pretty close to two months).

Suddenly in the last couple of weeks every time I restart home assistant after a configuration change it triggers the two notifications for my battery level warnings.

But I also have two other notifications that send a notification to the same address and are set up in a very similar way but, strangely, those notifications don’t trigger on a HA restart. And I have another notification that sends to a different email that also doesn’t trigger on restart.

The two notifications that are spuriously triggering have never done that before. It’s not a real big deal that I get those notifications. I’m just trying to figure out what might have changed.

- id: SSL_expire_notify
  alias: 'SSL expiry notification'
    platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.ssl_cert_expiry.state | int < 21 }}'
    service: notify.gmail_notify
      message: 'Warning - SSL certificate expires in 21 days and has not been automatically renewed'      
- id: Batt_GD_N_Pos_Notify
  alias: 'North Garage Door Position Low Battery Notification'
    platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.batt_garagedoor1.state | int < 10 }}'
    service: notify.gmail_notify
      message: 'Warning - north garage door position sensor battery level is below 10%'
- id: Batt_Comp_Rm_Motion_Detector_Notify
  alias: 'Computer Room Motion Detector Low Battery Notification'
    platform: template
    value_template: '{{ states.sensor.batt_comp_rm_motion.state | int < 10 }}'
    service: notify.gmail_notify
      message: 'Warning - computer room motion detector battery level is below 10%'
- id: Indoor_temp_low_notify
  alias: 'Indoor Temperature Too Low Notification'
    platform: numeric_state
    entity_id: sensor.computer_room_motion_temperature
    below: 50
    service: notify.gmail_notify
      message: 'Warning - Computer Room Temperature Sensor is Reading Too Low'

The two that are acting strangely are just the low battery notifications.

Both are z-wave devices. I’ve watched the values for the battery levels on a restart but they never show less than 10% (currently 80% & 100%).

Any ideas why things may have changed recently?

I might have done an update to HA from v0.59.2 to v0.60.1 around then. Is there anything in that update that could explain it?