I’ve had the same notifications in use in my HA setup for several weeks now (pretty close to two months).
Suddenly in the last couple of weeks every time I restart home assistant after a configuration change it triggers the two notifications for my battery level warnings.
But I also have two other notifications that send a notification to the same address and are set up in a very similar way but, strangely, those notifications don’t trigger on a HA restart. And I have another notification that sends to a different email that also doesn’t trigger on restart.
The two notifications that are spuriously triggering have never done that before. It’s not a real big deal that I get those notifications. I’m just trying to figure out what might have changed.
- id: SSL_expire_notify
alias: 'SSL expiry notification'
platform: template
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.ssl_cert_expiry.state | int < 21 }}'
service: notify.gmail_notify
message: 'Warning - SSL certificate expires in 21 days and has not been automatically renewed'
- id: Batt_GD_N_Pos_Notify
alias: 'North Garage Door Position Low Battery Notification'
platform: template
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.batt_garagedoor1.state | int < 10 }}'
service: notify.gmail_notify
message: 'Warning - north garage door position sensor battery level is below 10%'
- id: Batt_Comp_Rm_Motion_Detector_Notify
alias: 'Computer Room Motion Detector Low Battery Notification'
platform: template
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.batt_comp_rm_motion.state | int < 10 }}'
service: notify.gmail_notify
message: 'Warning - computer room motion detector battery level is below 10%'
- id: Indoor_temp_low_notify
alias: 'Indoor Temperature Too Low Notification'
platform: numeric_state
entity_id: sensor.computer_room_motion_temperature
below: 50
service: notify.gmail_notify
message: 'Warning - Computer Room Temperature Sensor is Reading Too Low'
The two that are acting strangely are just the low battery notifications.
Both are z-wave devices. I’ve watched the values for the battery levels on a restart but they never show less than 10% (currently 80% & 100%).
Any ideas why things may have changed recently?
I might have done an update to HA from v0.59.2 to v0.60.1 around then. Is there anything in that update that could explain it?