I can’t seem to stop devices from being discover in Alexa. I have tried alexa_hidden: true in the customize.yaml with no success. Any help?
I think it has been changed to “emulated_hue_hidden”
Still doesn’t work. Am using the cloud to connect HA to my alexa.
For the cloud service “Configuration via customize: is no longer available”
You would need to use exclude entities.
I tried this too. Maybe am not doing it right.
Post your config and maybe someone mite be able to assist you further.
Did you try forgetting devices and re-run the discovery on Alexa?
Yeah i tried forgetting and re-run discovery. Here is my config
- light.lifx_a19_232701
- light.lifx_a19_23c3aa
- group.all_devices
- media_player.roku_yr003s434933
- media_player.roku_yr0079180992
- media_player.samsung_8_series_65_un65mu8000
It’s working fine now!
I’m getting the same issue, excluded whole domains and removed the items from Alexa, rebooted HA and used ‘add device’ in Alexa app and the item re-appear.
Below is my config:
- alarm_control_panel.house
- automation
- switch
- group
- light
- input_boolean
I’m linking this to my main configuration.yaml
using the following:
cloud: !include cloud.yaml
Ok so it seems you have to forget via the Alexa web UI and NOT the Alexa iOS app as its not removing them.
Fixed now.
Sorry for retaking this discussion, but I have the same problem… I forget my automations from the web UI of amazon alexa, and they re-appear…
here is my alexa conf
- automation.auto_off_toilet_1min
- light.default
- switch.led_elvisroom
- automation
- switch
- group
- scene
Have you a solutions?
Thank you…
Have you tried via the Alexa app?
I run the Device Discovery after edit alexa.yaml with the exclude sections, then it found all my devices… after this I open alexa.amazon.it, I click on “Forget” for all automations…
then I run another time the device discovery and the automations are visible again…
It’s so frustrating… am I the one in this situation?
is there something to try to test what is wrong in my procedure?
Delete the exclude_domains: etc and it should only see alarm_control_panel.house.
You only need to exclude_domains if you don’t specify any includes as it then uses the default catch all. That’s how mine’s set up and it only sees what I specifically tell it to see with no excludes set.
it sounds like if i only leave
- automation.auto_off_toilet_1min
It only import this automation and nothing other?
I’ve tried but nothing, i have forgotten all the devices and after clicking “Find”… all the devices appeared another time…
I want to cry, it seems to be so simple…
Yep, that’s what I have plus the entity_config for each so they have a sensible name to request and display nicely in Alexa so to use yours as an example…
- automation.auto_off_toilet_1min
name: Toilet light timer
description: Timer to off toilet light after 1 minute
Obviously this only turns the automation on and off, it doesn’t trigger it.
You are ‘forgetting’ on the website not disabling in the app i assume?