Hiding the Not Secure message when running Hassio as http page

I access my Home Assistant in my Windows browser locally via http. I wanted to replicate the Companion experience, so set up a shortcut/PWA. Annoyingly the top part of the screen was taken up with a large warning about the site not being secure.

Here is how to get rid of it. This should work for all Chrome based browsers, but you may need to change the path to get to the flags page. Here are links for Brave and Chrome.

  1. Go to the Flags page for your browser.
  1. Enter the URL to reach your Home Assistant browser in the box (e.g. http://hassio.local:8123)
  2. Change drop down to Enabled
  3. Reload browser

You should no longer get the warning message/bar at the top of the page.

This only partly works in Brave - the page that is displayed at root (e.g. http://hassio.local:8123) will not have the warning, but any pages that have additional path will (e.g. http://hassio.local:8123/energy) - annoying. This isn’t the case for Chrome, which works as expected.

As a bonus, here is how to create a shortcut/app:

hamburger menu > More tools > Create shortcut… then select Open as window.

A shortcut will be created on your desktop, which can be pinned to the taskbar etc.

You may also want to edit the site settings, and set Allow insecure content to Allow. You can get here clicking on the icon at the left of the URL box - this will take you to the correct location in Brave and Chrome.