I’m getting a new PHEV vehicle so I don’t want to spend £1k on a proper 7kwh home car charger when it’s such a small battery. I’ve got a 16a commando car charger and a direct feed for the socket from the fuse board but want to put something in-between to make it smart for on/off and power monitoring.
I’ve looked at loads of AliExpress stuff and although rated for 16amp I doubt it will do the 7 hour continuous load I plan to charger for during the night on my cheap tariff. I’d guess that route is a fire hazard.
I think My options are a din rail dumb contactor with a smart switch to do the on/off and a ZigBee clamp for the monitoring but this is 3 bits of kit.
I did find this however which seems reasonable price and claims to do over 3000w at continuous load.
Anyone any experience with this particular component(Unisys SR-1) or anything similar ?
Thanks…yes I looked at these but I don’t think they are rated for continuous load at that wattage for 7 hours. I saw one thread about the non fin rail version catching fire when used on a hot tub (I think).
Unless you have any experience here ?
I do like the fact I could connect that via ethernet
While I prefer contactor, I believe Shelly Pro is built for continuous use.
It comes with 5yr warranty,
Overheating protection
Overvoltage protection
Overcurrent protection
Overpower protection
Only thing I suggest to add a RC snubber because of the type of load (charger).
If you decide to go with contactor, I recommend Shelly EM, it has small relay to trigger contactor and current clamp sensor. Very accurate, I have been using for 3years.
It has 2 channels, so you can use the other one to monitor your whole house power for example.
Like all Shellies, no cloud needed, no tinkering, completely configurable from local network.