I am migrated to a hyper-v Ubuntu Hass.io install. The CPU-load has been higher lately. But I do not know witch program /addon that is responsible.
The processes are called redis-server, and app/intelligence.py
The only programs that are installed are hass.io and deepstack face recognition. You can see the docker containers here.

Are any of these program responsible? Or is it another program that I would be able to uninstall.
Do any of them use port 6379? If so, that’s the culprit.
I see reference to an Xbox add on that uses that.
Also the grafana add on.
I do have Grafana installed, but I have not set it up yet. I will have to uninstall it and see if it will remove the process.
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Grafana was not installed, my mistake the, link in the panel-frame was pointing to my Pi
What other services, other than Hassio are running on that VM?
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Nothing really, but I solved it
, I stopped the deepstack container and the processes were gone 
Thanks for the input!
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Hi @jan.lanner , sorry for the high usage. This has been fixed in the latest releases.
DeepStack is now 2X faster, consumes less cpu and support for custom models has been added to the latest releases.
See this post for more details:
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Hi, how do you get that output? Tried TOP but is not so complete
I did use htop, think I also did some sorting using F6.
also seeing high cpu with app/intelligence.py, can you tell me how do i make an upgrade for my current deepstack instance?
update by using:
docker pull deepquestai/deepstack
and then restart as you wish, something like:
docker run -d -e VISION-SCENE=True -e VISION-CUSTOM=True -e VISION-DETECTION=True -e VISION-FACE=True -v localstorage:/datastore -p 5000:5000 --restart always --name deepstack deepquestai/deepstack
how did u install htop? its not there by default…