I have problem with high cpu usage and high data logging.
First cpu usage.
Logger is set:
default: warn
Still logging log is size 300mb almo instant.
I have problem with high cpu usage and high data logging.
First cpu usage.
Logger is set:
default: warn
Still logging log is size 300mb almo instant.
What is your hardware.
BTW there is no hassio.
Its virtualized. 3950x cpu.
I have made script to delete logfile after 300mb but it is still bandage. I want remove root of issue.
Has it always been like that or has something changed?
It did change about 2 months ago. After that it beern running year without problem
Can’t tell without seeing your log. Have you read it?
Where is shoud i upload log? Is over 200mb size
Have you read it? What seems to be taking so much room?
A paste site
For a start you have a whole bunch of configuration errors you should fix.
It looks like your devices are in a reload loop since your UDM is announcing both
Do you have your Home Assistant instance connected to multiple networks?
Your log reveals a race in the unifiprotect integration which I fixed here Fix reload race in unifiprotect by bdraco · Pull Request #69485 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
It won’t solve the underlying issue though, but it will reduce the cpu impact from it.
There was also a reload race on upnp
that was fixed in Bump async-upnp-client to 0.25.0 by StevenLooman · Pull Request #66414 · home-assistant/core · GitHub so please be sure you are running 2022.3 or later for that