Since a few days my processor load has risen from an average of 10% to over 50%. I have already tried OS and core downgrade without success.
Since I’m always tinkering around a bit, I can’t say which change to the config could be causing the problem.
I found out via glances that a phyton3 process is causing the high load. So I searched further and started a recording with py-spy and now I have the problem that I can’t interpret the recording. Apparently it has something to do with templates?! can anyone help me here? Processing: profile2.svg…
I have found the problem in the meantime.
It was due to a wrong template (syntax error - missing “elif”) for an icon_color in a mushroom-chips-card. Since it was only the colour, I didn’t notice it right away during the implementation. The chip was displayed correctly. No error was visible in the logs. Really hard to find out. Maybe the information will help someone in the future.