Hi Folks,
I’m trying to use the sampled data from the Tesla EV Integration to derive power usage numbers. You would think that the integration would output power usage as a state, but it doesn’t. There is a energy_added sensor but that measures “cumulative power” (energy), and I want to see energy.
Right now I have things almost working with the sensor.yaml file below. But I need a way to only use this calculation when my Teslas are at home. I don’t want to log power when I’m charging at other locations.
platform: template
friendly_name: Model 3 Charging Power
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.blue_comet_charging_rate_sensor', 'charger_actual_current') | float * state_attr('sensor.blue_comet_charging_rate_sensor', 'charger_voltage') | float}}"
friendly_name: Model S Charging Power
unit_of_measurement: 'W'
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.white_lightning_charging_rate_sensor', 'charger_actual_current') | float * state_attr('sensor.white_lightning_charging_rate_sensor', 'charger_voltage') | float}}"
I should be able to use the WiFi / Ubiqiti state info to tell when the car is at home (or maybe I use the Tesla binary_sensor) in the if statement below, but I’m not sure how to combine. Any hints ?
{% if is_state('device_tracker.tesla_blue_comet', 'home') %}
use voltage x current expression above
{% else %}
{% endif %}