History_graph doesn't work after upgrade to 0.86.3

Hi all,
after the upgrade to 0.86.3 the history_graph component doesn’t show the graphs any more.
My code is:

    name: Temperature
      - sensor.corridoio_temperature
      - sensor.weather_temperature
      - sensor.dark_sky_temperature
    hours_to_show: 24
    refresh: 60
    name: Oscar
      - sensor.today_energy_kwh
    hours_to_show: 24
    refresh: 60
    name: Presenza nmap
      - device_tracker.damianostation
      - device_tracker.huawei_p9_plusstation
    hours_to_show: 24
    refresh: 60

but at the end I have something like a group and to see the graphs I need to click on the entity in the card:

Another thing I noticed is that the presence of an entity in a group overrides any customization in customize.yaml.
For example if one entity is hidden in customize.yaml but it is present in a group the entity is shown in the group, but in the previous versions it was always hidden.
I don’t know if these two issues are related.
Anyone has a workaround?

Hi there -

I had a similar arrangement. You need to recreate them using the Lovelace history-graph card type:

It’s not quite as good as the old display, because you can’t click it to get a bigger graph, but it will display.

If, like me, you haven’t played with Lovelace before, this is a good intro:

It’s a bit out of date - it assumes you are going to do everything with the YAML file, whereas you now have the choice to do quite a lot in the GUI if you want to. I prefer the YAML file.


Do you mean I have to switch to Lovelace UI?! I think I will do it in the future but now I don’t have the time to reconfigure all my UI…and before 0.86.3 it worked fine, so I think it should be a bug.
I’ll wait for the next update

If you’re like me, you might already have switched without knowing it!

Lovelace is now the default, and they’ve done a good job in copying the settings across, so it’s surprisingly easy not to know that you’ve changed. If you’ve got three dots in the top-right corner with a ‘Configure UI’ option in the menu, then you’re already there!

I had no plans to upgrade either, but the history graphs were the only clue that it had happened. It was easy enough to recreate them. Lovelace is defined as a set of ‘cards’, and you just need to create a card and set its type to ‘history-graph’, then specify the entities. In YAML terms, here’s a segment that shows the temperature in my study and my wife’s study:

  - title: Studies
    type: history-graph
    hours_to_show: 120
    refresh: 60
      - climate.r_study
      - climate.q_study
    show_header_toggle: false

This update force to lovelace really stinks. Where does the stuff go to restore my history graphs? I have to have them working, they are critical and all are gone now that I have upgraded!

you can still go back - go to dev-tools and scroll down the bottom and you can set states page as default and also load states… or spend 5 minutes and make the simple change such as described above and have them in lovelace. Welcome to 2019

It‘s not a forced update, but a changed default. Classic UI is still there and can be made default in the (i) section of HA.

But, yes - at some point Lovelace will be the only UI delivered, so you better get used to it

I would be happy to make the change to lovelace, just not unexpectedly or at almost midnight. Does the lovelace migration tool work well and is it reversable?

if you are on 0.86.3 you are already on lovelace so you can see for yourself how painless the migration is.

I am on 86.3, but did not see a ui-lovlace.yaml file. I am not sure where to build my new graph cards. But, the upgrade also horked my pi-home data retrieval and now my automation card shows all or none, it is ignoring my hidden commands in customize.yaml and in automation files.

I know, caught by surprise here and was not ready for it. Almost 1000 line configuration.yaml file plus all my individual automations. Don’t want to screw this up!

the ui-lovelace.yaml is the ‘old’ lovelace. It uses a hidden file in .storage now.

Did it ask you if you wanted to take control? What did you respond? If you said NO then you are on an auto-generated config from all your old groups etc. If you said yes it generated the new storage lovelace and you can edit that by clicking on the 3 dots in top right and selecting configureUI. To use a more ‘yaml’ style mode, click on 3 dots again and select raw editor.

Lovelace has been around 6-8 MONTHS it was inevitable at some point it would be the default! You could have done a more ‘controlled’ migration at any time over said months so it’s a bit rich to bitch now.

In any case, the old ‘states’ are just a few clicks away as explained above.

Your current config and automations are still there, working and untouched. Lovelace only changes the way you SEE what is represented - it does not change anything in the database or workings of HA at all.

I used the new UI editor for a few quick tweaks initially, then realised that a YAML file was going to be much better for me in the long run. (For version control, backups etc, not to mention the fact that most lovelace docs refer to it.)

The editor has a button called something like ‘Edit raw config’ - I forget the exact name now - which shows the whole YAML configuration; I just copied and pasted that into a ui-lovelace.yaml file, and then switched Lovelace into YAML mode. All worked fine, and then I changed my history graphs as I mentioned above.

So, I have not answered this yet…

By default Home Assistant will maintain your user interface, updating it when new entities or Lovelace components become available. If you take control we will no longer make changes automatically for you.

What automatic changes does it make if I leave it in control? And If I leave it in control how would I then get my graphs and stuff back? As it is running now, if I do not enable states I see my PiHole and router data in the UI as I should. But, if I disable states, the data shows up in the states page but does not populate the UI, it only shows unknown.

What does “Unused entities” represent? It has almost everything listed in it.

Yes, I realized it was coming and would at some point be the default. But, there was nothing in the breaking changes regarding history graphs. Dozens of revisions ago I learned to review the breaking changes well.

So, I have them converted to lovelace now. I have a couple of questions… I am making individual cards for several ESP8266 sensors and the units report temperature and humidity. They are displaying humidity first regardless of the order of the sensors in the config. Can I reverse this somehow? Also, how do I remove the EDIT and move options from the bottom of the cards?

Thanks Matt