History page - the same names

I and my girlfriend are using iPhones. After integrating mobile phones with HA I’m getting the same entity names for our sensors making distinguishing of graphs impossible:

I figured out I can override names of entities in integration… but it has effect only on graphs (sensors which provides measurement units). Bars (as on picture above) are not affected by the change.
Of course I restarted HA - no result.

with regards

Have you tried customize.yaml?

No. Should I?
As I mentioned, graphs found on the same page respect custom names correcty as expected. But mentioned bars don’t.
I suppose it is a bug.

Any way I would like to point to the fact that a family with more than one iPhone is not something exceptional. I would expect that HA covers such situation automatically on its own since it’s obvious that all iphones provide the same sensors.

BtW there are integrations which do that properly adding user name to entity name (ie Withings). So native integration should do the same, isn’t it?

To give a justice, I checked the history right now (more than 24h after adding custom names to entities). Custom names are finally displayed for bars. Maybe the change is taken from the the first occurrence of data for displayed timespan. Still inconsistent comparing to graphs. But better than nothing
