Hi, is there a way to graph sensors in a specific order in the history page?
Came here to ask the same question. My History page is a mess. All the sensors are randomly being displayed and I’d like to specify the order so that like sensors can be put together and to display related information the way I’d like to see them. I’m guessing that this is not possible?
I’m thinking about implementing this. But… what would a good UI look like? It’s not completely trivial because the list of sensors can be built up not only by specifying explicitly, but also with filters to include or exclude.
Two possibilities occur to me:
- You have to explicitly list the sensors you want in the order you want them if you want them to be ordered.
- You can add a sortable attribute to sensors that will control the order.
Option 1 seems a bit simpler and more straightforward, but if you build your list of sensors through inclusion or exclusion filters, you lose the ability to control order.
Option 2 seems more comprehensive - you have a way to control order no matter how you build your list of them - but also more of a pain to configure since you have to assign a value for each sensor you want to be ordered. Also a little more intrusive in the code probably to carry around another attribute in the states.
Any other thoughts?
I’d prefer option two. I’m using a bunch of exculsions for my history sensor list.
I thought I preferred that, too. But on additional thought, if you have to set up a customization for each sensor anyway, doesn’t it make more sense to just list them in the order you want?
I’ve got a pull request in on this. Any explicitly included entities will be put at the top of the display in the order they are listed in the configuration. So if you want to control the order of some or all of your sensors, just list them how you want them.
This is fantastic. Thanks for working on this.
Do you know if there’s a way to control what sensors are graphed at the bottom? I’ve got indoor temperature sensors that are being graphed against outdoor sensors. I’d like to be able to customize these as well.
Many thanks
I’m not sure about this, I wondered too. If I get some time I will look into it.
Pull request accepted. This should be in 0.61
Thanks a lot
There was an issue with this in 0.61.0. It should be fixed in 0.61.1. In order to use it (in 0.61.1), you will need a new configuration flag:
use_include_order: True
Works already.