Hive protocols \ Connection direct to HA

Does anyone know what protocol the following uses? I think it might be a mixture of Z Wave, Zigbee and bluetooth?
Has anyone had any success in direct connection to HA, in which case what hardware did you use?

Hive Bulbs
Hive Heating
Hive Sensors
Hive TRV’s
Hive Plugs

I can confirm that I have Hive heating working directly on HA through zigbee2mqtt. No hive hub required, I have the following receiver and thermostat was very easy to pair and communication both ways is all great.

I was unsuccessful with ZHA and this made me finally take the plunge and switch over to zigbee2mqtt

Know that many if not most Chinese Zigbee devices are OEM or ODM devices that have been just been rebranded with a different brand than the manufacturer and as such can be sold under many different brands, (and a wast majority of Zigbee devices today are originally manufactured by Tuya). See ex:

I am pretty sure that all “Hive” branded Zigbee products are actually manufactured by Tuya or other manufacturer(s) and in reality, they will have a different model description from that is shown on any Hive retail product/box.

See example →

ZHA needs “ZHA Device Handlers” and Zigbee2MQTT needs “zigbee-herdsman-converters” for any deviating device configurations that do not strictly follow the default Zigbee specification standards:

Zigbee2MQTT has the advantage here since got a long head start than ZHA as the Zigbee2MQTT began much earlier, and the ZHA has not yet built up such a huge community of volunteers that contribute with “ZHA Device Handlers” compared to “zigbee-herdsman-converters” contributors.

ZHA might however catch up sooner or later as userbase grows and “quirks” documentation improves:

I’ve just paired a set of Hive TRVs succesfully with ZHA, if that helps. Possibly ZHA has added compatibility with the other Hive devices since your post?

For the record: I initially paired my Phoscon Hive through Zigbee2MQTT which sort of “worked”, as in it showed up correctly, but actually controlling it from Home Assistant seemed like a dead end. Instead, I tried pairing it through IKEAs app with DIRIGERA and now it appears to work just like any other colored IKEA lamp in Home Assistant. :tada: Sure, there are some odd things like “Breathe” that I’m not really sure how to initiate remotely, but for now I don’t really see that as a significant enough downside to fiddle with setting up the deCONZ stuff. YMMV.

I’m thinking of doing this, does the thermostat still behave the same way, ie, can you still boost heating and hot water on the device? Can you still do scheduling without too much work? Thanks