Hive Receiver SLR1d not respecting input via z2mqtt

I bought a Hive setup for my boiler (SLR1d receiver and SLT3d Thermostat) and I’m desperately trying to get it working with home assistant via Zigbee2MQTT. I paired it successfully and it registers the correct model in Z2M (& appears in HA) but there were no stats being reported.

Luckily I found this thread which revealed the reporting attributes aren’t present in Z2M’s Hive.js file: Hive Receiver SLR1d does not publish state changes to z2mqtt

Luckily @jchh was kind enough to share his reporting tab for the very similar SLR2c/SLT3c and @alang79 confirmed that manually adding the same endpoints/attributes to his Z2M instance resolved the stats reporting, so I did the same and it appeared to have worked.

Unfortunately a few days later it seems to have not worked for me as I’m basically fighting with it, any setting I change gets overridden and weirdly it changes its own settings once every half hour to an hour:

At first I thought it was getting confused between the heating/water endpoints (I read that endpoint #5 is heating and endpoint #6 is water) so I deleted the #6 endpoints from Z2M, but no change.

I’ve checked the obvious:

  • Schedules set on the thermostat itself (nuked them all)
  • Disconnected HA entirely so it was purely Z2M interacting with the Hive

At this point I feel like I’ve got tunnel vision on the problem and I’m missing something, does anyone have the SLR1d/SLT3d working with Z2M & HA?