Hive TRVs Heating with No Demand

Hi there,

Relatively new HA user with regards to TRVs.

I’ve been a Hive thermostat and TRV user for a year or so but have found the Hive app to be clunky and unreliable so have moved the TRVs across to be controlled directly to Home Assistant leaving the thermostat operating through the Hive integration.

In order to try and smooth out the control of the TRV within HA, I am using the BetterThermostat integration from HACS, with remote temperature sensors monitoring room temperatures. The following clabiration modes are set up

  • Target temperature calibration
  • Normal calibration mode
  • Given the issues below I have ticked the ‘Overheat Protection’ function

This ultimately results in two thermostat devices in HA for each heating zone.

  • Bedroom Radiator - Hive TRV thermostat reporting temperature directly from the Hive valve
  • Bedroom TRV - BetterThermostat virtual thermostat used to control the above reporting temperature from the remote sensor,

I have an issue with my bedroom TRV in which the valve position is opening when there is no demand leading to overheating in the room. I’ve inserted an example last night where the room was overheating.


The target temperature is set to 19.5degC at night with the remote temperature sensing returing temperatures from 20.0degC to 21.5 degC.

Hence there should be no demand for heating.

The reduced setpoint temperature at 00:15 is due to me reducing trying to force the valve closed

Hive TRV

The target temperature on the TRV is being set (by BetterThermostat) from 19.5degC to 21.5degC overnight. I undstand that BetterThermostat adjusts the target temperature in order to ‘force’ the TRV to operate to meet the demand of the remote sensor, however…

It’s unclear to me why BetterThermostat is pushing the valve target temperature up to 21.5degC when there should be no demand with the virtual thermostat set to a 19.5degC as visible in the first graph.

PI Heating Demand

The valve is opening and heat is being allowed into the radiators. Regardless of the BetterThermostat / TRV target temperature issue noted above, the valve should remains closed as the target temperature is below the current temperature across phyical and virtual thermostats.


It appears to me there are two issues:

  • BetterThermostat is ‘instructing’ the Hive valve to provide a higher target temperature than setpoint even though the room temperature has already met the demand.
  • The Hive valve is opening even when room temperature is above the target temperature (there should be no demand).

It’s worth noting that the central thermostat is set to target target a setpoint of 23degC when the ‘Heat Required’ function integral within the TRV switches to on and turn off when all TRVs are set to off. This appears to be working well

Thoughts would be appreciated