Home Assistant 0.109.6 : Netatmo integration cause Netatmo Camera to disconnect and reboot


I had a lot of issues lately with my Netatmo Presence Cameras and was incriminating the quality of the product …

But, as a test, I tried deleting the integration in HA and the cameras are now as stable as before.

If I add the integration back, the disconnect and reboot issues are coming back …

Is anybody facing the same issue ?

Would it worth opening an issue in GitHub ?



Hi Laurent,

You mean the camera itself is having issues when integrated devices n HA?


I have 4 Presence cameras and, when I reactivate the integration, I am notified for disconnection and restart of cameras. I will wait 1 or 2 more days without HA integration to confirm but it’s really stable since I disabled it again.

Perhaps the integration (or their API) is causing some memory leak and the camera becomes unresponsive …

Do you know if we could have a selection of what we want the integration to include ? I also have a weather station, a thermostat and radiator valves from Netatmo and if I remove the integration, I also lose control on all those devices :frowning:

Anyway, thank you very much for your work and your reply to my post !

I have neither experienced or heard of such a behaviour. But I’ll investigate that issue.

I recently upgraded to 109.6 and so far I’ve had no issues with my Netatmo cameras.

Perhaps wait a bit that I confirm it’s the root cause.

I have to admit that I had a lot of issue with those Presence and already replaced all of them in 4 years …

I don’t think I will continue with Netatmo for Camera’s …

I had exactly the same issue with this camera. But it never occured to me that the integration could be to blame. I just switched away from it. The camera also got super hot just before the reboot.

Ok @cgtobi please forget my post … it started back right after I posted my reply and the integration is still disabled so … you don’t have to look at anything.

I guess those cameras are just not reliable :frowning:

I had a total of 7 different cameras and they ALL had issues … I replaced the 4 of them in the two last months and it was more or less stable that’s why I thought it could be their API/HA but now I just have one with SD card error once again and another one restarting every 5 minutes.

Sorry for the time you spent on this :frowning:

I haven’t yet, so no problem at all. But I’m sorry to hear about your issues. I hope you’ll fine something better then. My welcome gets pretty warm and sometimes hangs itself up or reboots too but not too often.

Hi guys,

Running into the same problem: not sure if releated but it seems to happen in my car after I added Netatmo camera to frigate.

Not sure if constantly streaming lead to camera getting hot and rebooting?

Did you dig more into the issue?

Swapping the SD card might help. Sometimes reboots of the camera is caused by a dying SD card.

it is happening even if I disabled all recording for every event: do you think it worth trying to replace the sd card anyway?

I would give it a try.

I will tomorrow, thanks for this.

BTW it is a bit annoying the camera doesn’t work without and SD card and gets disconnected if fhe SD card starts to dye.
I really hope it is just SD card think anyway

So tried to replace the micro sd card with da disk high endurance.
All recording is disabled but still the camera get disconnected.

Before connecting it to frigate I had like 1 disconnection per month, now I have multiple per day :frowning:

I am really not an expert but to me looks like overheating (although the camera is never exposed to sun, it is in constant shadow)

Have you tried to disable frigate to see whether the camera stabilises?

FYI, I still have regularly “waves” of disconnection from the cameras with Ubiquiti access points …
Only solution for me in this case is to reboot the access point ! Rebooting the camera do not solve any thing.

After rebooting the accesspoint, it’s stable for some time…

Netatmo support said that with a “-75db” signal disconnections may occur.
It is not the best signal level but it is not that low…at least not that low for wifi to disconnect.

Maybe I need to consider to move to another brand with Ethernet connection