Home Assistant 2022.8.7 Groups not giving corect status

Hi all,

Maybe you can help me. I created a group with 2 persons.

name: Family
- person.chris
- person.marianne

then i created an automation rule that when the group status is not_home all light will turn off. Now The problem that i have is that if one person leaves the house all lights will turn off.

It should be that if one person is still @home the status of the group should not change to “not_home”

Can somebody help me? is this a bug?

with the device trackers and the

all: false option it is still not working.

What does this return in the developer template tab when each person is away/home?

{{ states('person.chris') }}
{{ states('person.marianne') }}
{{ states('group.family') }}

hi this is the output,


So normaly the group should be home. but the group shows not_home

It may be this:

Mine works okay which is interesting.

Maybe just create a sensor to manage it instead of a group.

how can i create such a sensor?

i now created 2 automations with exceptions. i will see if this works for me.

i yust wanted that when whe are both gone some things are turning off. but only when the both of us are gone.

when 1 person is in the home the automation should be stalled.

what version are you running? maybe there is a difference there?

I run the latest. I doubt it though as that issue has been around a while and we’ve all gone through MANY versions.

Can’t see any reason the group would behave that way but you could simply use the state of zone.home being or going to ‘0’ (zero) as a condition and or trigger as an alternative in the mean time.

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