i have a question about the Home Assistant way of controlling a Heater Configuration for Homematic Devices. I have several thermostants on my heater in every room grouped with an additonal wall mounted thermostat also from Homematic and in the future i will combine this with an additional Window contact. Everything is configured in a group within the CCU2 from Homematic.
Now, i have the following problem. If i change the temperature of the heater thermostat, the wall mounted thermostat did not received this value, but the temperature of the heater thermostat is switching back to the value of the wall mounted thermostat after a few seconds.
If i choose a mode (auto, boost, manual) on the wall mounted thermostat, this mode is not sending to the heater thermostat.
What is the right way controlling a group of elements, which are configured within the CCU2 from Homematic in Home Assistant? This is not really clear for me.
How is the behavior without HASS? You should be able to use the wall mounted part to choose a temperature and your heater-element should beginn to “produce” this temperature. I think if this is not working, perhaps you Homematic config is not working. If you speak german, you should get help on the homematic Forum. In this forum you can find many infos what these Modes do and how it all works.
without HASS it is working correctly, means, if i manually select a mode or a temperature on the wall mounted thermostat and the heater thermostat will receive these values accordingly. Only i i select such things from the HASS Frontend, it is not working as expected from Homematic…
have checked it again. If I change the temperature on the wall mounted thermostat, the temperature will be sending after a few seconds to the heater thermostat.
But, if I choose a mode (Boost, Auto, Manual) on the wall mounted thermostat, this mode won’t be transferred to the heater Thermostat… Nothing happens there…
i have found the following in the WebUI Manual from Homematic:
That means:
Changes on the “physical” Device within a Group have an effect on all Devices in this group. But changes within the WebUI on a single Device which is in a group, have only an effect on the device itself, but not on the group members.
So, i think, it is currently not possible with Home Assistant, to control a Heater Group from Homematic. Would be nice, if this will be implemented in the future?
but the CCU supports virtual devices. So thought, that it could be possible to have this virtual device (to control the group members) also in Home Assistant. This way it is working within the CCU…
Thanks for the link. I didn’t know, that this problem is already under discussion. I will follow the thread on github. If I understand it right, you are the developer of pyhomematic? If yes, please feel free to contact me if you need information about Homematic Heater Stuff, you can also speak in German to me, because I am also from Germany