sorry for this unprecise topic but I am stuck and frustrated.
Yes, when buying a raspberry pi and installing home assistant, I knew before, that it is not a plug-and-play-environment and that a lot of manual configuration and research and trial-and-error would be needed.
But I ended up unsuccessful with much more topics than I expected. And now I am frustrated and disappointed.
I also read and followed tons of help-topics here and on git-hub but that doesn’t help for me in most of the cases.
It seems to me that there is no intial device set-up described in this community that fits to or properly runs in my environment.
I also raised a few questions - of course - and got some feedback. I really appreciate that, but finally it did not work.
Most of the feeds I found here and on git-hub seems to describe only a very specific piece of device-configuration, but I need general help for the initial setup that is valid for the current version and setup.
Many of the feeds I found are already years old and might not fit to the current system anymore.
So am I finally wrong here? Am I not enough a software developer to work with the home-assistant?
E.g. I found tons of threads about sonoff-switch integration and I tried out a lot them. But it did not run in the end.
Another example: Nest smoke detectors: I also found e few threads about that, but these are from 2016 and it did not run on my device maybe due to the fact, that I did not understand how to initially set up this.
Another topic - Google Home: I have been successful in creating automations that end up in a google home spoken warning. But I do not understand how a command spoken by me to the google home could trigger an automation. Also to that topic I found tons of feeds, but nothing about how to initially set ip up.
Sorry again for this long topic.
Finally I just wanted to confess my frustration …