Hi guys,
Following the getting started guide at https://home-assistant.io/getting-started/ I installed Home Assistant 0.9.1 on a Raspberry Pi B.
Works perfectly with some DS18b20 temperature sensors with MySensors once I figured out I had to delay the sending of the presentation messages.
Now I have set up Hass to Autostart with Upstart following https://home-assistant.io/getting-started/autostart/ and using the linked script.
I have used the default user pi as the RUN_AS user as it worked with that during manual testing.
Solved failure to create pid file on startup by creating a folder in /var/run and changing ownership in the init file.
Home Assistant now starts up fine and works well except that hass fails to write the mysensors.pickle persistance file.
I get the following error
mysensors.mysensors: Permission denied when writing to /mysensors.pickle
Creating the file and changing permissions for it in / makes it work perfectly, but I don’t understand why it wants to write there as opposed to /var/opt/homeassistant/ where all other files reside.
When running manually, there is no problem creating the file in ~/.homeassistant/