Home assistant being restarted every 4 hours from supervisor

Hi everyone,
I’m facing some serious problems with Home assistant since the 2025.01 release. The supervisor (running in HAOS) restarts the core in regular intervals (~ 4 hours), with the following error as already reported here: Home Assistant Crashes and Freezes - #5 by WallyR

I already tried starting in safe mode, which didn’t change anything. I already enabled debug logs, but couldn’t find anything obvious. Since it doesn’t contain any errors.

As in nearly all cases I found online, the cpu usage spikes up before the “crash”.
Does anyone know, of there’s anything I could enable to find the root cause?

What hardware and integrations are you running (it could be a misbehaving integration)?

2024.5+: Tracking down instability issues caused by integrations.

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I’m running TrueNAS Scale with a VM and in there HAOS 14.2.
I’ve disabled nearly all integrations, except for these ones.
But also tried to run in safe mode, which didn’t change anything too.

With what error specifically? That links to wally talking about something in core and how to wait for a fix…

If you’re seeing a Cpu spike then it craters it’s almost certainly a misbehaving automation or integration running away then the supervisor intervenes what does your old log say after the crash.

This has been the memory usage:

CPU is nearly equal:

I’ve now enabled homeassistant debug mode and the profiler. Will reply back then.

Thanks for your help! Really appreciate it!

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It just crashed again with the memory profiler active. For me this looks “okay”, but maybe someone can have a look:
Codebin - HomeAssistant
(password: HomeAssistant)

Anything in the home-assistant.log.1 file?

That’s what I just sent over

I just reverted back to 2024.12.5 - there I don’t have any issues at all. It just runs stable. Might it then be a real “core” issue. Since I didn’t change integrations or automations?

HA 2025.2 finally solved my problem. Seemed to be caused by the Eheim Integration.

Thanks everybody for your help!

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