Home Assistant Blog: rss/atom feed?

Dear Home Assistant Team,

would it be possible for you to provide an rss or atom feed for https://www.home-assistant.io/blog/?

I got into self-hosting TT-RSS (again) recently, and am currently collecting feeds of websites/projects I’d like to stay up to date with.

Home Assistant would be #1 priority. Unfortunately, I did not find a way to subscribe to your blog.

As you are using jekyll for your website, there would be a simple solution for this: jekyll-feed, which is an official plugin by the jekyll creators.

I know, I can just check the URL or these forums to stay up to date with blogs… but this would be another convenient way to do so :slight_smile:

There is no link on blog pages but in source code of web pages of blog you can find the atom feed: https://home-assistant.io/atom.xml and it works well, I use it since quite a while in my RSS reader without any problems :wink:


Another feed worth subscribing to: https://alerts.home-assistant.io/feed.xml