Home Assistant Chromecast related error (ERROR Reading from socket)- Hoping to get help in resolving. ERRORS posted within

Hello all,

Could you all help me with some ways to look into how to correct the below errors in my logs. I am essentially going through my logs trying to clean things up and I don’t really know where to begin with this one. Is this normal? And if it is, can they be surpressed.

Thank you all again for any guidance you can give on rectifying the situation with my setup.

Logger: pychromecast.socket_client
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pychromecast/socket_client.py:610
First occurred: 2:56:10 AM (7 occurrences)
Last logged: 4:46:47 AM

* [Everywhere except TVs(] Error reading from socket.
* [Everywhere except TVs(] Error reading from socket.
* [Everywhere Inside Except TVs(] Error reading from socket.
* [Dining Room Wifi(] Error reading from socket.
* [Office Wifi(] Error reading from socket.

Cant help on how to suppress them, but I am sure you can.

However I have the same logs and always have done, so seems normal, can’t say I have ever noted an actual issue with functionality, so other than the annoyance of the logs it appears to have no detrimental affect.

But if someone does no how to suppress them, I may also just do exactly that.

Thank you for your response here @rossk . It’s nice to know others are seeing this also. Yeah, I hadn’t noticed a detrimental effect either. Let’s see if anyone else chimes in and at the least we can surprise them.

Thank you again @rossk!