Home Assistant Cloud - Google Integration Not Working on 0.95.X

Since upgrading to 0.95.x, I can no longer sync devices to Google via the Cloud component. Everything has worked flawlessly up to this point. Now, when I try to sync from either Home Assistant or via “sync my devices” on Google Assistant on my phone, I get errors and new devices do not sync.
My log shows this error each time:

2019-06-28 07:28:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.smart_home] Unexpected error
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/google_assistant/smart_home.py", line 55, in _process
    result = await handler(hass, data, inputs[0].get('payload'))
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/google_assistant/smart_home.py", line 86, in async_devices_sync
    async_get_entities(hass, data.config)
  File "/usr/src/app/homeassistant/components/google_assistant/helpers.py", line 119, in sync_serialize
    entity_config = self.config.entity_config.get(state.entity_id, {})
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'
2019-06-28 07:28:43 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.smart_home] Error handling message {'inputs': [{'intent': 'action.devices.SYNC'}], 'requestId': '1967247859201571938'}: {'errorCode': 'unknownError'}

My phone just says there was an error syncing to hass.io.

I have attempted numerous restarts and even went as far as unlinking hass.io, but now it wont re-link. When I try to re-link it, it just says “Couldn’t update the setting, please check your connection.” There are no connection issues. I tried multiple times including ensuring it was unlinked, restarting Hass, and waiting 30 minutes to let everything sync up. Same error.

This morning, I tried to wipe out my cloud settings altogether (removed cloud file from .storage) and restarting Home Assistant. Then I signed back into Nabu Casa, selected my entities for Google, then tried linking hass.io on my phone. Same error.
I’m not sure what else to try at this point. Anyone have any ideas whats going on?

I will try downgrading later on to see if that helps.


Same here :frowning:

I went ahead and downgraded to .94.4 and it just synced up perfectly. Will post a bug report on GitHub.

Can reproduce. Fixed with downgrade to 0.94.4

I opened an issue on GitHub

I have no issues here , loaded local and cloud component, can sync and link…

Best steps, to exclude all entities, just expose a few entities at a time, there is one that’s failing for you to sync/link… Then you know what entity is causing the issue

PS running here 95.0

Tried that. Even nuked my entire cloud configuration and unlinked from Google. Wouldn’t relink even with no devices exposed.
EDIT: Downgraded to 0.94.4 and it synced right up.

Same here.

Same here.

Really strange , no issues here

Seems a fix out for Google assistant in 95.2


Didnt work for me. Got sync errors right off the bat.

Didn’t work for me either… pulled a later unreleased version from the docker hub. an early 0.95.4 and it is now fixed. Now just gotta watch out for some other stuff not working as it is pre-release.

0.95.4 worked for me.

Its not pre-release, 95.3 and 95.4 were released within a couple of hours of each other, the docs havnt been updated yet.

tese are the changes

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I had issues too. I found that removing my customise file from config fixed my issues… Something worth a to try?

.95.4 fixed everything.