Home Assistant Community Add-on: Folding@home

Snap bro was just start looking into this

same, cant open webui, ragardless or ip or domain name etcā€¦

Thanks for sharing the code. Got my data in :ok_hand:

How often will the RESTful API load data?

Wondering if inserting some extra lines is smart to not spam foldingathome.org

E.g. scan_interval: 600

But then at the docs page

it says:
Note: These options are being phased out and are only available for single platform integrations.

Does that mean that I shouldnā€™t use it?

Also, as a Home Assistant beginner ā€” would it be smart to also add force_update for graph possibility, or would that be irrelevant?

found the rank one

  - platform: rest
    resource: https://stats.foldingathome.org/api/donor/myle
    name: Folding at Home Work Rank
    value_template: '{{ value_json.rank }}'


Hi all,

Is there any way to control the folding from an automation, for instance I want my folding pc to lower the folding to low or stop it overnight?

Any way of utilizing my Google coral edge tpu?

I created a custom component for that: https://github.com/eifinger/hass-foldingathomecontrol.
It offers services to pause/unpause the folding.

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Hi frenck, does this Folding@home ARM support means we will have Folding@home Add-on support for our Raspberry Piā€™s?

Any chance of adding ingress support for the web interface?

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I am having some problems with your integration: I am running Folding@home as add-on and got this issue

although (i guess) i correctly configured the add-on enabling remote control
grab 2021-04-13 alle 21.07.42

It looks like my integration is working as intended. Is anyone else seeing this behavior when using this addon with my integration?

I can confirm I canā€™t solve the issue although all seems to work

but consistently sensors goes to ā€œunavailableā€ for a second and then come back online

Hi There,

not sure if this is still maintaned but folding@home now has arm64 build. it would be great if you could add support.
