Home assistant community addons : LMS the Lyrion Music Server Formerly the Logitech Media Server or SqueezeBox Server. Squeezelite Player

Hello Nickrout, i don’t think that my post is OT.

I can’t connect to my 9.1 Lyrion on a Docker Installation in Truenas Scale 24.10.

The HA Lyrion Addon discovers it, but i can’t connect.

Ports 9000, 9090, 3483 are used.


Why do you want 2 lyrion servers on your network?

I dont want 2 LMS. I want to move the VM to a docker image.


Than why are you talking about connecting one lms server to another

I dont want to connect one server ro another.

I want to connect HA Integration for Lyrion to a Lyrion 9.1 Server which is running in a TrueNAS App as Docker ander 24.10

I’ve got a couple of squeezebox radios I’ve had sat around for a while, with music assistant being available now I thought I might have a play to get the hooked up properly. I’ve factory reset one of them, then had the issue with the wifi so got it connected with ethernet. Not managed to ssh in to it to fix the wifi issue, I think it’s operating on some really old encryption or cypher:

" no matching key exchange method found. Their offer: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1"

Tried supplying various flags for different things to no avail.

I then added the lyrion lms integration and got it to connect to that eventually. But one of my key questions is that it says the HA integration should server the web ui and api for the LMS on port 9000. But I get a 404 when I try to browse it. I used my HA server ip rather than the reverse proxied url to rule that out.

I then removed the integration and installed the HA Addon, and restarted and that just complained about another server running. So I turned on some of the additional config flag to upgrade etc and it started this time, but still the ui for the addon was returning a 404.

I’m running a support HA supervised debian installed on latest version of HA.

I’ve also not managed to flash my squeezebox radio with the community firmware, I could find the release notes for it, but no detail on how to get it update from the stock 7.7.3? I assume this is some option in the LMS once you have that running properly?

Any help would be much appreciated :slight_smile:

More than likely its failed to start and possible bound to an odd port, stop addon remove /config/lms, reboot and try again, and save that addon start up log.

are you using the addon or the integration for hosting the lms? I thought the integration hosted the lms without needing it to run in a container?

Then it has nothing to do with this thread. When you open a new thread, please post your docker command or compose file.

No the integration only connects to exiting servers, I have submitted a PR to clarify the integration documentation. This thread is about an addon that provides such as server,

that makes more sense, cool so I need to run the addon in order to use the integration. But the problem I was seeing when running the addon was that still nothing was served on http://< SERVERIP >:9000 or using the addons ingress. It just returned 404 when I opened the ui from the addon

No the integration will run against and exiting server if you have one, Sounds like its failing to start have a look in the addon log. stop addon remove /config/lms, reboot and try again, and save that addon start up log.

The addon is running but says there is another instance of LMS server running. As I mentioned I tried removing the integration in case it was this, restarting the entire server and then enabling the addon but it still says this. This is a supervised HA instance so there is nothing that I have running outside of addons and integrations.

I’ve also not got the slimproto integration added, so there should be no other LMS type thing running as far as configuration is concerned.

One weird thing when I did add the integration was it kept discovering the same LMS ip address repeatedly even though it was already added. If you clicked add it would say it’s already configured, but would then be discovered again later. That is an aside right now however as I say I’ve completely removed the integration and rebooted the entire server.

[25-01-21 12:26:06.6603] Slim::Networking::UDP::init (41) FATAL: There is already another copy of the Lyrion Music Server running on this machine. (Address already in use)
[25-01-21 12:26:06.6605] Log::Log4perl::Logger::and_die (868) Warning: FATAL: There is already another copy of the Lyrion Music Server running on this machine. (Address already in use) at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/lib/Log/Log4perl/Logger.pm line 900
[12:26:06] INFO: Service restart after closing
[12:26:07] INFO: Waiting for Music MagicIP
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x55f2fa959fa0)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x55f2fa959fa0)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x560b3c2aac80)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x560b3c2aac80)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x556fc847f140)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x556fc847f140)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x55c49456bb00)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x55c49456bb00)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x5565eb44c560)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x5565eb44c560)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x5573b5dc9a40)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x5573b5dc9a40)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x55a5197db040)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x55a5197db040)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x55e4147931f0)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x55e4147931f0)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x55d75e9e4c90)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x55d75e9e4c90)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x5627c4ace650)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x5627c4ace650)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
[12:41:07] INFO: Starting LMS...
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x55c61e61c340)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x55c61e61c340)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
Can't locate object method "result" via package "Error : HASH(0x560aa300eb10)" (perhaps you forgot to load "Error : HASH(0x560aa300eb10)"?) at /usr/local/bin/squeezy line 940, <GEN0> line 2.
[25-01-21 12:41:08.4242] main::init (387) Starting Lyrion Music Server (v9.0.0, 1732822968, Fri Nov 29 12:08:17 UTC 2024) perl 5.036000 - x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi
[25-01-21 12:41:08.5012] Slim::Networking::UDP::init (41) FATAL: There is already another copy of the Lyrion Music Server running on this machine. (Address already in use)
[25-01-21 12:41:08.5015] Log::Log4perl::Logger::and_die (868) Warning: FATAL: There is already another copy of the Lyrion Music Server running on this machine. (Address already in use) at /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/lib/Log/Log4perl/Logger.pm line 900
[12:41:08] INFO: Service restart after closing
[12:41:09] INFO: Waiting for Music MagicIP

You have music assistant on that host by any chance or portainer, probably is what is says on the tin. Check ports 9000 9090 and 3483 are free.

1 Like

Yeah just thought that in the meantime and I’ve stopped it and that seems to have got it running. Ultimately I want to use that but wanted to get the community firmware on my squeezebox radios first.

Hello guys,

Is there a way to play favorite items like radio stations from lyrion music server using homeassistant automation?

Kindly guide


alias: mini remote 1 short play RNZ
description: ""
mode: single
  - domain: mqtt
    device_id: 5b7985edf7c4c7402a2f68828005cb04
    type: action
    subtype: 1_single
    trigger: device
conditions: []
  - action: media_player.play_media
      entity_id: media_player.kitchen
      media_content_type: music
      media_content_id: >-
      enqueue: play
1 Like

I am sorry, I think my query/question was not clear enough.

I have many favorite radio stations added in LMS.

  1. Is there a way to get the favorite list of stations using HA automatuons etc.

  2. Yes, we can pass the url of the radion station as shown in your example above. But then the album art or the icon is not displayed in the media player entity. But if I launch the same radio station from the lms interface then the album art or the icon is displayed in the media player. So, is there a way access the favorite folder of lms and then play the required radio station using HA automation. I hope I am making some sense.

Kindly reply and guide.

Ps: when is the addon getting the update of v9.0.1?

The way to query LMS is documented here Squeezebox (Lyrion Music Server) - Home Assistant

Not sure if this helps re art on radio stations No artwork with radio streams · Issue #94 · pssc/ha-addon-lms · GitHub

Not sure on the update to 9.0.1. @pssc ?

Edit : Phil seems to be working on it

Problems with the aarch64 build with gcc segv during the build of the 9.0.1 images :frowning: