Home Assistant config

Hey guys trying to understand how google voice assistant works with home assistant.

I have it working with duckdns but unsure how it actually works. do I have to register the devices with the google home app then sync my devices for voice commands to work or are they working natively within home assistsnt?

do u have to update the google project every 30 days?

sorry title was supposed to be google assistant.

By saying that you have made i work with duckdns, I believe you have integrated google assistant with HA using the method outside Nabu casa. If so you are exposing the HA devices to google home and not the reverse. Meaning the devices already registered with google assistant outside HA will not be accessible to HA.

I dont think that you have to update the google project every 30 days. You would need to update the project if your duckdns address changes.

If you want to control those devices which are registered in google home and not available in HA, you can check out

which will allow you to send commands to google assistant.

that’s right, I’m not using Nabu Casa. I will have a read of that link, thanks for that

Ya I just bought some Tplink light switches and wasn’t sure if I just had to register them in home assistant and able to completely forget about the google home app but still be able to control everything with my voice.

If you have integrated the TP link light switches with HA and exposed it to google assistant, you really dont need to add it to google assistant again through the tplink sill. The integration with HA will work fine with voice commands.

ok thanks, I wasn’t sure when I was talking if I was talking to google home or HA…

do i need the google home app at all or does HA do it all?

You certainly need google home app because if you add or delete devices that are being exposed to google assistant from HA, you will have to relink the Home assistant skill in google home app to make the changes possible in assistant. Moreover there are devices which are not yet supported by HA but supported in google home so to add and remove these devices, you certainly would need the app.

makes sense, thanks for the quick replies!