I’m looking at what you did and really, I also need help. I look around at “adding a package/addon manually”, but couldn’t find anything in HASS documentation clearly stating how to do it. Can you share the link to that documentation? so far, everything I found and tried failed!
Also, I do not have the Tuner (by the way, is the tuner a distinct device?), but I have a Control4 16 channels Amp with 8 possible sources. So, I’m working on creating the init file for my amp, but there is a few things that still puzzle me. I have 8 rooms, each with two speakers, so I get that I’ll need to have 8 sections like the “Garage” in your example.
The thing I’m not sure to understand is how do I define my 8 sources? I admit that today not all of the inputs are connected to a real source, but at least if I can define them as source 1, source 2 etc, would be a great start. I’ll probably place an Apple TV v3 as one source for Air Play, maybe one other will be the HASS server for it’s imbedded internet radio and local media playback (I’ll populate the Media folder eventually), and others as I continue to growth the system I guess! But so far, my investigation tell me that I may need to define them in the configuration.yaml file, which should be at the root of the config directory structure. I’m all unsure what to do with the automations.yaml file in your repository.
Also, can it be rename to something else than c4_services by changing the directory name and all references in the files? For example, I would prefer c4_16channel_amp as it will be clear to what it refers to. I also have a C4 IO expander, which I’m not really sure can be integrated, but if I succeed with it eventually, that may be very cool to have the two as separate service type.
We bought the house with the control4 already, the HC250 controller died a few weeks ago, so I’m all in to replace it all with HASS. I really like it so far, I can do what I want without a call to a C4 dealer at $95CAD/hour. That 16 Chanel amp, we almost never used it as the C4 interface was so difficult to use, and buggy sometimes, that it stayed off most of the time. If HASS can bring it to life, that would be very great. I was very happy when I found this thread and the possibility ahead of me!
Thank you