I just want to point out that when I restart Home-Assistant, the error log doesn’t clear unless new errors cause the file to be overwritten. This means if no errors are reported and I go to check my log, I will still see errors from the last time there were errors.
Can you give a bit more detail on your setup and config? I’ve always gotten a new log every time I start.
I’m on an RPi3 installed with the All In One installer. Standard logger: statement in my configuration.yaml
Ha, welllllll, I’m currently running it on Ubuntu on Windows, but it was doing this on my RPi3 as well.
My logger was:
default: critical
homeassistant.components.camera.generic: critical
Let’s try commenting out the two lines underneath it and seeing if you get a new log after you restart it twice.
I am running my HA 0.32.0.dev0 on Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS as a developer and I have discovered that even if the line “logger:” is not in my configuration file I see the same problem. I am only adding new components and devices.
I am seeing the same behaviour, I think since version 0.30.x
I don’t have logger:
in my configuration. HASS is running on a RPi 3 using the AiO installer.
Same here, running on Ubuntu 14.04 in virtualenv.
It’s expected behaviour, isn’t it?
Well, seeing the error logs from a previous run might be confusing, having to look at the timestamp to check wether it’s from this run or notkinda defests having the logs. Having an empty log on new run would be better (or appending to the log, but then you’d need to check the timestamps again