Hi, I am running my HAOS installation for about two years without any issues, using RPI4B 8GB. Currently on the versions Core 2025.1.4, Supervisor 2024.12.3, Operating system 14.1, FE 20250109.2. Last couple of days i encounter really strange bug and have no idea how to troubleshoot it. The whole system freezes every 16-17 hours, by freezing I mean, UI not responding, Automations not running. RAM and CPU are not overloaded, they have both pretty stable load. Restarting (unplug of electricity and replug it) works again for some time. not sure where to ask for help.
HI, I have the same(-ish) issue. Not that regularly as you, but sometimes my system is dead, sometimes a cpl of times each day, sometimes it works for many days/weeks. I even cannot SSHto port 22222 when it occurs.
Could it be a voltage issue maybe ( I have a USB disk connected running the OS)?
I am running my HAOS from the USB connected SSD drive, there is over 80% of free capacity. I can try to connect it to another power source. One more observation, my log file has over 3GB from the 16hours run. But I cannot find any errors in there.
RPis is known for there troublesome power issues.
The RPI itself is limited by the power it can take in, which is actually pretty much what it requires to keep the RPi itself running.
This means that even small USB devices, like two radio sticks, pulling a bit of power can pull the total power usage over what the RPi can take in.
USB devices are advised to be connected to a powered USB hub to free the RPi power intake.
I am using Zigbee stick (sky connect) and the nvme drive connected to USB, I guess both need to be attached directly to the RPI dont they? Also no changes to the HW for at least 6 months, but problems appeared last week.
An USB hub should be able to drive both, but at least the Zigbee stick can for sure be move over to a hub.
Electronics gets older too and require a tiny bit more power.
Mechanical things like fans get worn and need more power to rotate at same speed.
Dust build up and make the cooling harder, which require more power.
The software develops and might require more power.
With the RPis these developments makes the management of the RPis a balance on a knife’s edge.
make sense, I will try to move at least the zigbee stick. thanks for the hint
thanks, I will check it out. In the meanwhile I tried to restore backup from the last week to see at least if this is a HW issue or something I did in the configuration
Well, for other if they experience such issue.
I ended up restoring from 1w old backup and now I am almost 2 days online without any hickups.