Home assistant issues after power outage

After a power outage last night, I was unable to start Home Assistant. It runs on a VM on a Synology NAS. After the power outage, when I connected directly, I was getting the error: **"Home Assistant CLI not starting, jump into emergency console. ChatGPT instructed me to run the command: fsck -y /dev/sda1

I ran it last night, and it reported that it was repairing some of the files, but Home Assistant still wouldn’t start. This morning, I shut the VM down and started it again, and it successfully started up.

The issue is that a backup was taken yesterday before the problem occurred, but no backups are showing up in Home Assistant. I’m wondering how concerned I should be about this. Is there still a chance the system is corrupted, and how would I check for this? Or can I just set up new backups and call it a day?