Home Assistant Keeps diconnecting + I cannot connect to WIFI + no IPV4

Hi, clearly from my title I have a lot going on. But as the title says, randomly, about once per day, my HomeAssistant will disconnect, even though it’s currently on a wired connection, and it is no longer possible to connect to it via the web interface. I can ping it at the default address and my preferred IP scanner can see it and list it correctly. I just can’t connect to it, not is it able to reach any of my devices. I’m running HA OS.

So I decided maybe I should try switching from a wired to a wireless connection to see if this helped. So |I went to the settings GUI and tried to join one of my two WiFIs. But no joy. I am simply confronted with a message saying ‘interface could not be joined’ check settings’. (Or words very much to that effect.) On checking the HA configuration I have noticed that both IPV4 and IPV6 is completely turned off on the wlan0 interface (which is the interface I want to connect to). So I assume this might be the source of the problem?

I read somewhere that you could fix this issue using an iPhone to set up the wireless connection. So I borrowed a friend’s iPhone to try. But still no luck.

However this did produce another error, which was:

object does not exist at path /org/freedesktop/networkmanager/activeconnection/523 home

So perhaps that’s a clue what’s going on? In any case I looked up NetworkManager and the page there for HA told me that if I had any problems I should either reload network manager, or update it and the proceeded to helpfully not tell me how to do either of these things…

Can anyone please assist?

I couldn’t find any way here to attach my logs and screenshots, so I used a simple online host.

No reason wifi should be preferred over cabled - have you set your HA to a static IP address or are you using DHCP? In a previous post you have made you told that your router is set to reboot every 24h, is this still correct?

You can cut out the most interesting bits from your logs and paste them as preformatted text.