Home assistant log filtering (addon?) in the browser

Hi there,
Does anyone know an addon maybe to get some view with HA logs where I can apply ad-hoc filtering similar to grep expressions or something?

I found https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-log-viewer but it doesn’t seem pretty useful since it just redirect a log from the text file into the browser/mobile app page.

Of course I can tweak my logging settings to modify what is written in the log but that’s not the case I’m trying to cover. Just imagine that you put different things to be logged for a while and you are exploring what you’ve got. Now, you have to go to the HA instance, grub a log file, and make you filtering somewhere. It would be super convenient to avoid this somewhere to filter logs in the same place where you do changes (HA). Regex must be needed for sure, so browser search can’t fit that requirement.