Home Assistant MQTT Battery Operated Wireless Water Sensor

Inspired by the work of

My GitHub project is here - GitHub - alekseyn1/WaterSensor: MQTT water sensor

I was looking around for a while for a sensor that would be

  • battery operated
  • wireless
  • small
  • with battery life from one year
  • would use MQTT

and found nothing.

I had to come up with something on my own.

Out of the box solutions like Xiaomi sensors were not acceptable since they use an additional hub that I did not know would work on the local level or not (my aim is to keep all smart home traffic within the LAN). Other solutions would either be non-smart with great battery life of be smart with a very short battery life (a couple of months).

Then I ran into Rob’s (The Hookup) window sensor - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoYVr2UwWWg I immediately tried his setup but instead of the reed switch I was hoping to use water to complete the cirquit. No luck. Water is not a good conductor in this case. So I had to look elsewhere. But I took his code for ESP-01 and modified it slightly (“on/off” instead of “open/close” although this modificatin might not be required).

I found a few circuits that could work for my purpose but I do not have enouth electronics knowledge to check if they are functional.

Source - https://www.instructables.com/id/Simple-Water-Sensor/

Then I ran into Peter Jennings’ work on his water sensor - ESP8266 Water Alarm. The switch he used was an answer - Pololu - Mini Pushbutton Power Switch with Reverse Voltage Protection, LV.

I contacted Peter and he confirmed that in a standby mode the switch was not consuming much at all (official spec says 0.01 micro Amperes).

Here is how you hook up ESP-01 to FTDI:

Then flash it using the ESP-01_Water_Sensor.ino file

Here is the final connection diagram:

ESP-01 code and Home Assistant samples are in the files of this repository.

Here is the video with the final look of the sensor.

So, the end result works like this: once water is closing the sensor probes (basically two wires sticking out), the switch turns on ESP-01 and ESP-01 boots up and sends an MQTT message with ‘on’ to a topic and then goes into a deep sleep. The whole process takes about 3 seconds in my case. All other actions are triggered in Home Assistant using automations and scripts.

In my setup, Home Assistant will then send a command to the dry contact switch (modified Sonoff) to close the Electric Manipulator Shut Off Valve gizmo that I purchased on Amazon. I retrofitted a polarity switch and power input jack.

Here is the video with the valve setup.

Hope this helps!


What Kind of AAA batteries are you using Alkaline?

To be honest I just used regular cheap Walmart batteries and it easily lasts for one year.