Im running Home Assistant ( at Raspbery Pi for about… 3 month i think. Had smaller or bigger problem with configuration, but generally it was working perfectly.
Today something strange happend. At morning for sure everything was fine, automations worked, server was alive and so on. But when i came back i noticed something is wrong. No automation, and light at Z-Wave dongle was out. I could not connect to the Home assistant by web or ios app. It behaved like stopped or crashed. I restarted it by switching power, Z-Wave dongle is blinking as it should, but server is not responding. I still cannot connect by app, from the web (getting “Home Assistant had trouble connecting to the server.” message), or even by ssh. No access at all. Does it mean server just died totally after just 3 months of use ? Is there anything what i can do ?
of course in monday im leaving home for 3 weeks… Murphy’s Law in its full beauty.
I have a similar issue. I’ve had running successfully for about a week. The front end and automations are still working but I can no longer use SSH. When I try I am able to see the login greeting and the shell prompt but the prompt is unresponsive. Sometimes it lets me type a few characters (like ls) but no more before it freezes. I’m running 0.57.2.
Yea… i suspect SD card as well. To be honest that was my concern just at start - SD card is just too unrealiable in case of home automation system (specialy if i want to build security system on it as well). But 3 months is MUCH worse (Toshiba SD card) than i expected. At beginning i wanted to use USB dongle instead SD card, but well… after all it is generally the same type of memory, just packed in other case.
I have no spare SD card for now, so system is dead anyway. Im thinking about changing platform to Intel NUC with traditional 2.5 HDD when i come back. Its MUCh more expensive than Pi3, and consumes MUCH more energy, but well… HDD will not die so quickly.
A good SD card will be fine - I’ve got a Pi3 media server that’s been running and used since about a month after they released the Pi3 on the same SD card (about 18 months now). My Home Assistant Pi3 has been running since January without issues.
If you’re having SD card issues then the either you’ve got a faulty SD card (or a low quality one) or you’ve got power issues. A power supply that can’t sustain 2.4A at 5V (or if you’ve got a micro USB cable that’s too thin and causing a power loss under load) will result in corruption of the file system.
I got new SD card, fetched new system on it, and looks like server is good and running. I have no time to build back whole automation (for now even z-wave dongle is still not “avaible” in the system) and to do general configuration, but looks like indeed it was problem with a SD card.
This dead one is Toshiba Exceria, new one is made by (or for) Samsung. I hope it will last longer.
What cards do you suggest generally as “good ones” ? I mean type (manufacturer) lasting at least 6 months.
About power supply problems, i got official set - Pi3 with original power supply, but of course i cannot be 100% sure that my unit is free from some “rare malfunctions”. I would need to check voltage… after coming back home.