I am using an ATT tablet as a hotspot for 4g internet access at a remote location. I want to run home assistant to monotor/control devices at the location. I cannot port forward to the rpi. I have read that for a mere $500,I can get a dedicated IP address from ATT and that would allow me to do what I want. Is there any way I can setup a router to allow an external connection or at least setup HASS to periodically transmit status and display the status on a computer at another location?
Mqtt eventsream component allows sending all HASS event automatically.
I used this to forward RasPi HA to Synology Server and use synology as main interface.
If port 80 or any port work use nginx and port forward requests.
Nginx listen on port and forward to requested site.
How remote is remote.
Long range P2P wifi possible? (10km possible, maybe further but requires line of site)
Thanks @tmjpugh for the info. I don’t fully uderstand how to use nginx and synology, but you have given me enough to further investigate possibilities. Remote is over 200 mi, so long range wifi is not a possibility. BTW, I am aware that i can use notifications for important events. .
Regarding Eventsream, I think this may be more than just sensor.
It allows you to create multiple HA instances that may be controlled from a single interface.
For example. I plan to have devices at 100 site.
HA Install at each site working local.
Each instance has eventsream connecting back to HA_MainSite.
HA_Mainsite receive all event(subscribe to site)from site and may send back (publish to site) control event.
A Sensor at site will be switch.site1_door_frontdoor
Main will also have switch.site1_door_frontdoor
When switch change a site1, change show at Main.
When change at Main, action occur at site1.
I test this at single site and function without issue.
This was useful for using Raspberry Pi with GPIO sensor input sending to cloud server (Synology NAS)
A cloud service (e.g. MQTT) would also get around the port forwarding issue. Interested to hear if this works out
Thanks for the inputs. I now understand more about the eventstream component. I actually added the eventstream publish statement to my configuration.yaml and monitored the mqtt stream. Now need to setup the slave side and give it a go on the receive side. I am still stymied about sending commands to hass at the remote location (e.g. turn on/off devices remotely)…
Again, MQTT Create an MQTT sensor on the remote pi
OK. Now, I think I have it. .Will wt that up. Thank you.