Home assistant server status LED

Hi, I just recently build my HA Server, designed and 3D printed a case for it, and added a D1 mini with LED ring running WLED inside the enclosure.

I want to use that D1 mini to “show the status” of my HA server, like this
(I have the “scenarios” i want in presets in WLED)

If nothing happens the Led ring just fades and comes back
If HA Discovers a new device or needs an update (notification) then switch to the notification preset until i do what’s necessary
If there’s an error, Solid red preset
When i do something like turn a light on or off, or if an automation starts, the i want a small “loading” bar

I didn’t find anything online, so I’m asking for your help here, if someone can help me.

See Pictures…
sorry new user, can only post 1 image


Could you use the Home Assistant WLED Integration? Then you can use Automations to do what you want.

So, i tried making an automation, and i’m stuck with 2 things.

First i have to select a trigger device, when what i want is “if any device changes state”

and second, there’s no preset scroll down menu for changing presets in “lights” action

If you have any suggestions

PS: maybe something that can be done with yaml code, but i’m not in the mood for that, and i’ll need some documentation and examples

I do all my automations in Node-Red so I can’t help you with yaml or the native Home Assistant automations stuff (that’s why I provided the automations link / documentation above). Hopefully, someone else can jump in and help).