Home Assistant somehow works with Lennox iComfort S30?

Looking bleak…Running one of these high tech gizmos on an old style furnace appears to just be to complicated

Hi, a quick search on the net reveals: GitHub - PeteRager/lennoxs30: Home Assistant Lennox S40 / S30 / E30 / M30 integration

Much appreciated for the reply, but I can’t even reach that point since hardly Linux literate so asked Perplexity and ChatGPI how to install WSL, Ubuntu and Home Assistant on my Windows computer. Followed by copying and pasting commands. All commands seemed to work/install except both instruction sets failed when trying to run Home Assistant. Did not know how to uninstall everything and start over so I did a windows 11 System Restore that supposedly removed everything. Since the AI database is stale 2 years, maybe instructions have changed, maybe user errors -no clue?
Looking to be in over my head here and not worth the bother.