Home Assistant stuck on Loading Data after core update

Hello community!

I’m running into a frustrating issue after trying to perform a core update. Every core update after 2024.11.3 breaks my home assistant instance and both the webui and app get stuck on “Loading Data.” HA is broken during this because all of my Homekit bridge devices stop working, as well. I’ve tried every core update after 2024.11.3 one-by-one and each time the same thing happens.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Die you try with a older version like 2024.10 ?

Disable all custom integrations and cards. Try to update. If it works, enable one by one.

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Before updating make sure that you have no warnings about deprecations in the logs.

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Found a deprecation! I wasn’t even using the integration so I just deleted it and we’re all good. Thank you!!