Home Assistant - terminology help


I have been using HA for a while now and have a decent set up. I try to learn as much as I can but there are some things I can’t find any documentation for or I don’t know where to look.

When looking at a component page there is terminology such as “string” “map” “attribute” “template” etc…

Is there a glossary which can explain these terms to be?

This should help you go to sleep at night:

Hahahaha, thanks

String isn’t there :pensive:

A string is just a sentence or a statement. This reply can be looked at as a string. As in:
A$ = “A string is just a sentence or a statement.”
A$ is the label of that string.

A string is anything comprised of characters.

asldiuowincoaiwnaskldjfaskjdfaks is a string

a8w9c98b8sc89a8sc8cca is also a string

A string can be words, or combinations of words/letters/numbers. when you add in your config.yaml name: "Bob" you have assigned that device’s name to a string that spells “Bob”

Ok thanks. Any begginer ways to learn templating. I normally steal code from other setups but trying to figure out what it means is difficult.

For example, I want to make a template switch for a TV using ping and a RM mini 3 (ordered but not deliver). I could steal code for this but how would I learn how to do it?

I hang out here and wait for someone to say “Hey! I figured out how to make X do Y and here’s how!”… and then steal their code and play with it. :slight_smile:

One thing that is a trap for young players is strings vs numbers.

For example, 123 can be represented in a computer as a string or an integer. If it is a string then 123 + 4 is 1234. If it is an integer then 123 + 4 is 127. Knowing how something is represented can solve a lot of templating problems.

On the templating doc page there is a link to the jinja2 docs which tell you a lot about templating.

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Be aware that:


is a number, and


is a string.

That has tripped up a lot of people.

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