Home Assistant Update Time on ESPHome Startup

Hey all,

I have some controller boxes that I use in my Christmas light display that use ESP Home to control some switches. There are 4 switches in each box and I have the connected status sensor as well. When power is applied to the controller box, it takes 45-60 seconds for Home Assistant to know that the box is up and running. I can deal with this delay, but would like for Home Assistant to know about it a little faster.

Is there any way, by setting an update interval or putting something in the on boot routine for ESP Home, to make this status update any faster?

Thanks in advance.

Sounds like it’s taking a while for it to actually connect to your WiFi/HA? I’ve never really had to deal with this (since my devices stay on all the time), but I believe setting a static IP for the ESPHome device and using the fast-connect option are both things that can speed it up.

Once my ESPHome devices actually connect, they immediately show up with live data/control.