Home-assistant_v2.db almost 5gb


Im running Hassio almost latest version (0.68.0).
My Hassio is running on RPi 2

My home-assistant_v2.db is almost 5gb.

Now if i try to open Logbook it takes several hours to start (if it even opens).
Opening history takes forever too…

I’ve tried to find solution from here forums but i find so much just commenting different solutions.
Is there anythin i can do from gui or some good step by step guide for it?

You can shutdown HA, then delete the db file. It will get recreated on the next startup.

Once you have it purged, good practice would be to add exclude: or include: items to your logbook: and history: so you’re only tracking the things you are interested in.

Check the components for examples:

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Oh yeah. Thanks all.

Its being purged now and removed some crap from logging up anyways.