Home Assistant Voice Preview - Can't connect to wifi (Google Wifi)

I have Google Wifi Mesh points… I’ve wanted to switch them out for ages but so far haven’t been able to justify the expense when they work.

Google Wifi does support both 5Ghz and 2.4Ghz under the same SDD… doesn’t have any way though to adjust those settings or set up 2.4GHz under a separate ssd or anything like that

Home Assistance Voice Preview is failing connect to the wifi… it prompts me for the SSD and password which I provide… it thinks about it, i press the button, it thinks about it some more and eventually just says it can’t connect with no other info.

I am guessing it’s not selecting the 2.4GHz? but that’;s a total guess as I can’t see any error messages

Anyone have any ideas? or is HA Voice Preview not compatible with Google Wifi?