Home heat management - zigbee

Hi all,
I’m a newbie,
I’m looking for a new heating management system, I’m looking at zigbee sensors (temperature and moisture) and a zigbee switch (to turn on and off natural-gas heater).
I did some research in this forum, and in whole internet to; but I’m a bit confused… I’m newbie, …too much newbie!

Can you suggest hardware to buy?
I need:
5 sensors,
1 usb stick (or some other stuff making raspberry able to manage the zigbee mesh network)
1 switch.

I want to manage this by my rasperry… logical!!! transparently by home-assistant (or openhab)… I hope!

Thank you in advance, have nice days!


P.S.: I’m writing from Italy… some american seller don’t ship goods to europe…
P.S.: I posted same question to openhab… I have to make a decision… based on zigbee integration too…