Hi all,
Working on an automation that would allow me to ask the echo for a status update on my home, and if everything is fine it reports back everything is ok (i.e. all doors are locked, no smoke detected, etc.). Otherwise it reports the type of issues found.
Types of issues could be:
- alarm not set after a certain time
- Leak last detected at X time/date
- certain devices have become unresponsive.
I ultimately just want a status update on what has happened in the house once I come home. even though I get immediate notifications for certain things (i.e. leaks), it would be nice to gather/bank up issues and then report them all at once. Iām just not sure how to run validations and gather those results to be reported later.
my initial thought was to run automatons, and when they are found to be true store a value in a csv file or variable, then later cycle through those variables and use templating with the echo to report out the status. then reset the variables as/when necessary.
Any ideas?