Home.Zone All People Present Feature request

The state currently shows as the number of people present in a zone, it would be also really useful to have something that says “everyone” is in a specific zone.

Either an attribute or something to work off of. This way you don’t have to completely manage a lot of different groups or people.

Create a template binary sensor, assume you have 5 people:

    - name: Everyone in Zone X
      state: "{{ is_state('zone.x', '5' }}"
      icon: "mdi:account-multiple"

I’m aware there are ways around it…
easiest being

{{ is_state('zone.home',  (states.person | count | string )) }}

That way I don’t have to continually change the number each time I add or delete a person.

But I think it’s a useful to have as part of a zone as the state to make it more user-friendly.